We had a totally fab and fun finger-flicking evening with the fans and a few of the players of top North West Ice Hockey team, the Manchester Storm at The Station pub last night (14th May 2016).
#WeWillRockYou rings out from the @Mcr_Storm fans at the end of the @Mcr_StormOSC pub quiz! #WeAreStorm pic.twitter.com/jrBVmNyWye
— Manchester Storm (@Mcr_Storm) May 14, 2016
They hadn’t played a Smartphone Quiz before but they took to the Hot Spot Quiz like a duck to water or even a puck to ice. Within minutes of the first few questions they were all pounding away with their fingers on their phones and tablets, battling it out to be the winner and the fastest as well.

It was organised by Alan and the team (pictured) from Manchester Storm Official Supporters Club and Altrincham Ice Rink as a social get together for all the fan club members to say thanks for loyalty and support throughout the past season and into the next. Some of the Manchester Storm Team attended as well.
It was a well fought contest with all of you evenly matched at first and then as one or two teams got to grips with what to do and how to do it, within minutes they were charging up the leader-board.
The shear determination and effort that some teams put into getting answers right and right quickest was amazing, with teams like “We would have won but kept Altrincham” throwing everything they could into it. They deserved extra points just for effort alone.

The lead was constantly changing throughout the whole Hot Spot Quiz. We also had “Team Steve” hovering around the mid way position, not top, but not bottom. Potential winners of the “Mugs In The Middle” Prize Mug. Sadly for them it wasn’t to be as team “Quizzmodo” snatched that honour off them, pushing them up the leader-board by one position and out of contention for the treasured Mug.
“The Pussycat Trolls” had a slow start at first as they learned how fast they needed to be with their fingers. But ended up bouncing up and down on the leader-board, one minute they were riding high above the mid way position and then next they had dropped down under, only to bounce back up again. They yo-yoed throughout the night.
The surprise team of the night were the youngsters of “Falecia” who came up with some great fastest finger answers on quite a few questions well out of their age range #SoImpressed.
“The Drummer Boys” (4 girls & 1 boy – go figure???) floated just below the mid section of the leader-board, quietly pounding away and occasionally sneaking in a few fastest fingers, biding their time, just waiting for the perfect wave to appear, but it never did and stayed where they were.
“Number 23 is Dead To Me” also floated just below half way, keeping their head above water and themselves off the bottom spot as they battled against bigger teams that were made up of varied age groups, but great try and they too got an occasional fastest finger question, so well done and better luck next time with more members maybe?
“The Boobs And Moobs” got off to a rocky start at first experiencing some “user interface” problems just choosing their buzzer, but then hovered around the bottom spot, keen to win the Vimto Lollies for coming last we think.

The overall Two of the other top teams who seemed to do well with their fastest fingers were “JC & The Sunshine Band” and “Weathering The Storm”, who between then racked up a considerable amount of fastest finger answers.
Hot Spot Quiz victors “Norfolk And Chance”, had built up a commanding lead in the later round and to secure their win, got the final 60 point question right about Sooty’s UK TV debut.
Hot on their heals throughout and making valiant efforts were both “The Puck Buddies” and “The Clique”. Although we have question the amount of attention Puck Buddies actually paid to the questions some times when they came up with Catherine Of Aragon as an answer to the question about “which one of Henry VIII’s wives gave birth to Edward VI.” Who we had already discovered in a big clue had the same name as a Bond Girl actress (Jane Seymore) lol.

It was great to see all the teams being so vocal over their mini victories as they got answers right quicker than their rivals in this finger and fact war of phones and tablets. Every team seam to have different strong points, but all of them seam to absolutely love “The Disney Round”….“Did Dumbo wear a hat?”….of course he did lol.

Quote – “The Manchester Storm Official Supporters Club (OSC) are pleased to announce that their summer pub quiz was a resounding success with plenty of funds raised for the Manchester Storm.
With over 90 people in attendance, including goaltender Steve Wilcock and Storm legend & current assistant coach Mike Morin, the pub quiz saw plenty of questions being asked, ranging from Disney to Astrology! 13 teams battled it out across the numerous rounds, but inevitably only one team could win, and that honour went to “Norfolk and Chance” with a whopping 574 points! “ – source The Manchester Storm website
Quote – “@HotSpotQuiz @sportmadste @Mcr_StormOSC @Mcr_Storm thanks!! Your quiz was awesome last night!!! Had such a laugh!!!
“ – source Emma Louise Magowan
Quote – “@HotSpotQuiz @Mcr_StormOSC Thank you for being a fantastic quiz master. I know everyone enjoyed themselves and we hope to do this again”– source Nick Barlow
A massive well done to everyone who came along and took part, it was a great evening attended by some wonderful people.
We always get a kick out presenting an event like this and this was was no different, although the fans and players of Manchester Storm were certainly in a league of their own, a winning league!

We look forward to seeing you all again when the new season starts up, but remember if you get withdrawal symptoms from the quiz, take a short trip down the road to The Urmston Pub in Urmston any Thursday evening from 8:30 pm and take on the locals there. But you could have a fight on your hands, a fastest finger fight. Drop in sometime you’ll go down a storm!
All images used courtesy of The Manchester Storm (OSC)